Thomas Baumgartner
Thomas Baumgartner

I’m a Data & Applications Manager / Data Analyst at United European Gastroenterology. I hold a PhD degree in physics and have worked in academic research for a couple of years. While my research was focused on experimental low-temperature physics and applied superconductivity, my university job also helped me develop my coding and data analysis skills. I left this career path due to a lack of future perspectives and decided to turn towards the broad field of data.

My professional experiences include supervising and maintaining a large data management system, writing software in Python (mainly for data analysis), running all kinds of experiments on really cold stuff, solving measurement and electrical engineering problems, and doing project management. I’m interested in science and technology, but also in art. Playing guitar and taking pictures are activities I enjoy in my leisure time. I live in Vienna, Austria, with my partner for life and our son.

I joined Medium for two reasons: one, I enjoy writing, and two, passing on knowledge to help others sounds like a good idea to me. I would like to share my experiences and insights with whoever is interested. Also, the internet, including Medium, is flooded with nonsense which I want to oppose by providing a calm, scientific view, and by debunking unsupported claims as such. If you read any of my articles and liked them, please consider subscribing to receive them via email. If you don’t have a Medium membership yet, you can get one here.

Medium member since September 2020

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Thomas Baumgartner

Thomas Baumgartner

Physicist (PhD), engineer, software developer, data manager / analysist, photographer, musician, and (as of late) writer. Lives in Vienna, Austria.